Tuesday 16 June 2015

One Pot Winter Warmer

Do you like washing up?  

I love the nights when I can get the washing up done quickly or, even better, when there is so little it can wait for the next night.

This meal for the whole family only uses one pot, only cuts one onion (cutting board and knife) and needs one spoon to stir.  Can't get much simpler in my books!

Mince with the lot (or mince, vegetables and macaroni)

1 Onion - diced
1 Tabsp oil
1 kg mince (the most lean you can afford)
1 1/2 cups frozen mixed vegetables - corn, carrot, peas
1 tin tomato soup (420g)
3 Tabsp tomato paste
1 beef stock cube
1/2 packet dry macaroni shells (adjust this to suit your family)

1.  Dice onion.
2.  Heat oil in large pan.  Add onion and stir until soft.
3.  Add mince in 250g lots and stir until browned.
4.  Add frozen vegetables, tomato soup, tomato paste and stock cube.  Stir well.
5.  Add 3 soup tins water and then macaroni shells.  Stir well.
6.  Bring to the boil, stirring.
7.  Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent macaroni sticking to pan.  Add more water if it becomes too dry before macaroni is soft. 

This is something that your whole family will enjoy - if you want more vegetables, add them.
If you want less macaroni,  use less and reduce the water a little. 
It can be served with grated cheese on top, or if you have leftovers, it can be frozen.

I hope you try this recipe soon.  Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Was für ein leckeres Rezept !
    Das werde ich nachkochen.
    Liebe Grüße
